Problem: You are sure you are registered in the SimUText System but cannot log in.
If you are certain you have already registered, but cannot log in to either the SimUText Student Portal (or if you are taking a class at a Canadian school, the Canadian SimUText Student Portal) or the SimUText Application using your normal email address, you may have mis-typed or entered an inaccessible email address during the registration process.
Another symptom of the same problem is if you subscribed to a SimUText, but did not get a confirmation email (and you probably can't log in to the application).
Action: If you remember the mistaken email address and password you used to register
If you remember the (mistaken) email address and password you used to register, you can change your email address in the SimUText Student Portal (or the Canadian SimUText Student Portal) as follows:
1. Log in with the email address and password you originally used.
2. Scroll down to find the User Profile tab.
3. Change the Login/Email field to your proper email address (where you can receive emails).
4. Click the Save button.
You should now be able to login to the SimUText Application with this new email address and the password you used before. You will also receive emails from the SimUText System at this new email address.
Action: If you cannot remember the password you set when registering
If you think you correctly entered the email address when registering with the SimUText System, but are not able to access the system, you may be using the wrong password. You can reset your password by:
1. Bring up the SimUText Student Portal (or the Canadian SimUText Student Portal)
2. Click on the Request a New Password button
3. Type in the email address you believe you used when registering on the SimUText System.
4. Wait for an email with your reset password. Please be patient - depending on internet traffic, these emails can take up to 1/2 hr to arrive and if you reset the password multiple times, the first new password you receive will no longer work.
5. Once you receive the new password, try logging into the SimUText Student Portal (or the Canadian SimUText Student Portal) or the SimUText Application again. If that doesn't work, continue on to the next Action.
Action: If you cannot remember the email address you used to register
You may request a change to your login ID and/or the notification email address you want to use by following the directions below. (Include your name and school and the email address you want to use in your request. For the Problem summary and description in the online form, just enter "requesting login change" or something equally concise.)
Submit a support request with the valid/correct email address and request that we reset your password. We will email you your actual username and a temporary password.
Please allow at least one business day for this change to be made.
Remember, if you entered your email address incorrectly when you registered/subscribed, or used an email address that you can no longer access, resetting your password on will not have the desired effect, as you will not get the email message with your new password.