
SimUText Version Must Match the Course Term and Year


The version of the SimUText application you're using must match the term and year of the course in which you used SimUText.

  • If you have used SimUText during a previous term, and you can't access your current SimUText materials with your installed version of the app, you will need to install the current version of SimUText. 
  • If you have a current version of SimUText installed on your computer, and you need to access the SimUText materials from a previous term, you will need to install an older version of SimUText (If you are on a Windows computer,  you may need to uninstall the newer version of SimUText before you can install the older version.)

To download the correct version of the SimUText application, complete the following steps:

  1. Log into the online Student Portal at (or for Canadian schools, Select the appropriate course name from the list, or from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen (circled in red in the screenshot below).
  2. Click the Get Installer button for your operating system.
  3. Find the installer file in your Downloads folder and launch it by double-clicking on it to initiate the installation process. Further installation instructions can be found here.
  4. Once SimUText is installed, launch the application and log in, and you should see your current assignments.  

Lab Staff installing SimUText on school-owned computers can complete this form to get added to our notification list so that we can let you know when new versions and/or updates are released.

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