
How can I open (or print) a lab workbook file outside of SimUText?

If you cannot seem to open the workbook files you need from within the SimUText application, or you have another need to access the workbook documents without running SimUText, you can use the following file system paths to find them. (Note: You must log in and download the lab first, and you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view files in PDF file format. On a Mac you can use the Preview application.)

On Windows XP: Click the Start button and then open 'My Computer'. Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\(your_user_account_folder)\SimUText\labs\(name_of_lab)\

On Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8: Click the Start button and then open Computer. Navigate to C:\Users\(your_user_account_folder)\SimUText\labs\(name_of_lab)\

On Mac OS X or greater: Open a Finder window and then select your user account name in the Favorites list. Open the SimUText folder, then labs, then the folder for the lab you want.

Inside the folder for the name of the lab, find the PDF file with the name beginning "ST_", and then use Adobe Reader or Preview to open it.

Note that Lab folder names are not always exactly the same as the title of the lab.

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