
Uninstalling the SimUText application

If you installed the entire SimUText application and wish to remove SimUText from your computer, use the following instructions:


  1. Go to Start->All Programs->SimUText
  2. Click Uninstall SimUText.
  3. Follow any additional prompts in the uninstaller window to remove the SimUText program.

This will remove the application, but not any of the content you downloaded (labs and chapters).

If you also wish to remove the downloaded chapters from your home folder (therefore removing SimUText entirely from your computer), do the following:

  1. Go to Start->My Computer.
  2. (Windows XP) Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\[Your account folder]
    (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista) Navigate to C:\Users\[Your account folder]
  3. Find the 'SimUText' folder.
  4. Press Delete or drag the folder to the Recycle Bin.

Mac OS X

To remove SimUText from your computer, drag the SimUText application folder to the Trash.

If you wish to remove the downloaded chapters, drag the SimUText folder in your home directory to the Trash.

Related article: If I uninstall the application, what happens to my previously submitted answers?

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